You want to be treated by the best trained doctor with the right qualifications?
In many countries it is not always clear how you can find the right doctor.
This website helps you select REAL plastic surgeons.
Real plastic surgeons have studied Medicine to become a Medical Doctor (MD), after getting that title they need additional training to become a Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon, generally after an exam. After graduating they are registered as Plastic Surgeons at the Health Government.
In Portugal the training to become a doctor consists of six years of integrated master s degree in Medicine. All the exams during medical course are organized by Medical Schools. When you finish Medical School you can call yourself a doctor (MD), you will now be registered at the Ordem dos Médicos Portuguesa (National Board), and you get a Medical Licence. This gives you permission to perform medicine care under tutor guidance. The autonomy exercise of medicine is obtained only at the end of the proficiency year (see below).
However, in order to become a plastic surgeon you need additional specialist training. First, you are enrolled in a National Exam to allow the new Doctors to get a place among those who want to start any specialization training. For Plastic Surgery, usually they are 8 to12 places nationwide (among 1200-1300 in total for all specialties), for around 2000 candidates, annually.
This training consists of:
If you pass this exam you are a plastic surgeon and you will get the title of Specialist in Plastic, Reconstrutive and Aesthetic Surgery in your Medical Border Professional Certificate.
When you are an official plastic surgeon your training does not stop, most plastic surgeons do additional Fellowships and courses to learn more about specific areas of our specialty, possible directions are:
Depending on the help you need you might want to verify whether your doctor has done additional training, besides fellowships this can be by attending Courses, symposia and congresses.
All European countries have National Societies who represent the Plastic Surgery community. Membership of such a Society is highly recommended for REAL plastic surgeons, you can verify this in the chart of the doctor on this website.
For Portugal the National Society is:
Membership of relevant European and International Societies shows additional Commitment to the area the plastic surgeon is most interested in. Relevant individual member Societies include (non-exhaustive list):
REAL plastic surgeons have had a thorough training, did an exam and are officially registered at the country’s Ministry of Health. They are member of a National Society and relevant (sub-)specialty societies and continue to learn their entire life.